Base Umpiring

As a base umpire, you have several responsibilities involving runners and fielders. But your #1 responsibility is calling runners out or safe.


If you are a beginning Little League umpire (0 – 2 years experience) and plan to umpire 10 – 12 year olds, I recommend that you first gain experience umpiring the bases before progressing to home plate.


Most people find home plate to be more challenging given the constant scrutiny of each pitch and the physical demands of crouching behind the catcher to call balls and strikes. Experience at the bases provides a great, initial introduction to umpiring techniques, the rules of baseball and will prepare you to umpire home plate.


The guidance that follows includes how to umpire with others as a team. It is based on an established, simplified approach to base umpiring that is well suited for beginning umpires and consistent with more advanced approaches used by veteran Little League umpires.

Site Glossary
Definitions from the Little League Rule Book and terms used on this site.
LL101 Site Glossary Version 5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [607.9 KB]


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