Home Plate Umpiring

As a home plate umpire, you'll find yourself in the middle of the action, at every pitch. You'll be responsible for "calling the game" which includes balls/strikes and managing the flow of the game.


Younger Little League age levels (7 – 9 years old) are a great place to start your plate umpire experience. The younger levels are a more relaxed environment and a slower game compared to older kids.


If you're umpiring older kids for the first time, I recommend you gain some base umpiring experience before trying home plate. Working alongside a veteran plate umpire will teach you proper mechanics for getting a good view of the ball as it cross the plate and provide exposure to the most common situations that plate umpires need to deal with and make rulings on.


Follow the answers to these questions and you'll be on your way to umpiring home plate (and live to tell about it).


Learn Home Plate Umpiring essentials


Expand your game with advanced Home Plate Umpiring techniques


Site Glossary
Definitions from the Little League Rule Book and terms used on this site.
LL101 Site Glossary Version 5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [607.9 KB]


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